A Voice Beyond Her Years No. 10 – A Coda

Mikel Skräskyddsling wound his way up the tower of the Guild of Aeromancers, finally reaching a nondescript door. He rapped on it, and after a moment Isak Akessen opened it and stepped into the hallway. Akessen was the Guild’s seneschal, and Mikel had a favor to ask.

Akessen realized. “What can I do for you today?”

“Any letters for Anja Skräskyddsling should come to me first.”

“Of course.”


Akessen closed the door to his study and went back to the tafl table.

“Your move,” said his opponent. While Akessen considered his next move, the opponent continued, “That was Mikel Skräskyddsling, I expect?”

“It was. He wanted the girl’s mail delivered to him first, just as you guessed.”

“Good. It will be coming to me before either of them, correct?”

Akessen looked up, momentarily surprised. “I wouldn’t dream of doing otherwise, Master Leifsson.”

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