Missing update update
Stellaris released last night. I planned on typing this week’s updates, really I did, but c’mon. Space empires from Paradox. It’s exactly as great as it sounds.
Stellaris released last night. I planned on typing this week’s updates, really I did, but c’mon. Space empires from Paradox. It’s exactly as great as it sounds.
A pair of ontr followed it, dragging a third between them. As he had thought: the ontling being dragged was one of the ones Sif had killed the night before, going by its mangled appearance and the shining bits of … Continue reading
Sorry for the late update—when I typed this on Monday, I had the time set wrong. E-book progress is good: all of the elements are there besides the actual story, which is getting one more editing pass from me, and … Continue reading
War has broken out in the Confederacy of Allied Worlds, and it falls to the brave men and women of the Naval Arm to defend their country against the Exile fleet. Over the gas giant Argo, they are losing. With … Continue reading
The camp covered more ground than it had seemed from below. It was a rounded rectangle, twice as long as it was wide, and he had approached from the narrow end. Centered within the wall was a large tent, almost … Continue reading
Falthejn inked the last few lines to form the last rune on a scrap of paper, corked his ink bottle, and put his writing supplies into his pack. He set the note on his cloak as he stood, buckling his … Continue reading
Some flashback fun. I’m midway through my second-to-last editing pass on We Sail Off To War. I hope to catch most of the remaining errors in grammar and usage this time around, and in the final pass, I’ll edit for … Continue reading
The journey wasn’t as bad as Hrothgar had expected. Alongside the river, the ground was flat, and a bed of evergreen needles kept the undergrowth to a manageable level. To their right, a hedge of shrubs and small trees, feeding … Continue reading
It’s 2:00pm on April 23rd, and I have finished The Long Retreat! I’ll be typing it over the next few days, and running the concluding 3500 words or so over the next month or two. In the interim, I’ll be … Continue reading
At the very top of the bend, just before the headland, an arch of stone crossed the river. If Alfhilde squinted, she could just make out human figures crossing it. “When did they build that?” Hrothgar frowned, thought for a … Continue reading