Hickory patties .5 small yellow or normal-sized white onion .5 cup dry bread crumbs .25 cup hickory barbecue sauce 1 teaspoon beef bouillon powder, or one beef bouillon cube, whacked with a handy heavy object until crushed 1 egg 1 pound lean ground beef Cooking oil of choice Dice the onion. Throw it in a medium-sized bowl with the bread crumbs, the barbecue sauce, the bouillon powder, and the egg. Add a pinch or two of salt and a good bit of pepper. Combine. (If, like me, you opted for the whack-a-cube method of making bouillon powder, use the back of a spoon to crush the remaining large chunks against the side of the bowl.) Heat up the cooking oil du jour in a large frying pan. At the same time, put the ground beef in the bowl with the other stuff and mix it together. Yes, you'll probably have to use your hands. Wimp. Form into patties. (The recipe I'm cribbing from said four four-inch patties, but the only way you're going to make four four-inch patties from this recipe is if they're also four inches tall. Six will probably do nicely.) Fry. Cooking time will be about five to seven minutes per side. (Longer, if, like me, you opted to make four patties.) Serve. Goes well with baked beans.