Ginger beer Ginger syrup (see my recipe for that) Empty 2L pop bottle, well-washed 1/4 tsp champagne yeast ~1 tbsp lime juice ~1 tbsp lemon juice Caution: this recipe makes ginger beer the way I like it: a ginger-flavored punch in the face. Pour the ginger syrup, lime juice, and lemon juice into the 2L bottle. Add lime and lemon juice, then fill with water nearly to the top. Add the champagne yeast (available at your local homebrew supply store, or on Amazon in bulk), screw on the bottle's cap (tightly!) and let sit in a cool, dark area. It's ready when you can't dent the plastic with your thumb. After it's ready, pop it in the refrigerator to put the yeast to sleep. If it gets flat as you drink it, leave it out for a little bit longer. Note: this is a fermented sugary beverage, and does therefore contain alcohol. If that's not something you're cool with, sorry. Stay tuned for experimentation: shelf-stable or glass-bottled ginger beer, by use of stevia as the main syrup base/sweetener, and bottling with priming sugar and yeast.