Commentary, A Voice Beyond Her Years No. 3

I write with serialization in mind, but not scheduling; basically any time I have to stop writing one entry and start a new one in the middle of the conversation, I have to add or remove dialog tags at the seam. If the conversation ends up going online with both halves in the same week, I can generally get rid of them; on the other hand, if it goes up with one half on a Thursday and the next half on a Tuesday a few weeks down the line, I try to put them back in so you’re not absolutely baffled about who’s talking to who until you go back and read the previous entry.

What it comes to is that if I eventually compile Many Words and publish it somehow, I’m going to have to do a lot of cleanup at the transitions to get rid of those artifacts.

In other news, I need to work on my writing of emotions. Sigh.

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